Though I voted for Obama, I want my money back. Yes, I must admit I bought into the change, and I should have known better. However, from what I'm seeing from the GOP, I may have not other choice but to vote for him again. I'm kind of in a rock and a hard place here.
But was Obama a token as some claim? Did we all really believe in the change he spoke of? Or was it that we really had no real choice in this past election? There are those on the right who say that the white's voted for him out of guilt. Have we really become a nation who will vote for a man who came out of nowhere because of guilt? Would we have said the same about Powell had he ran for PROTUS and won?
I think the bottom line question is this. Is he catching so much heat because he's black? This is not meant to be a chip on the shoulder question. But a true and real question. Any thoughts?
Friday, June 12, 2009
Brunn, and Birthers.
Well we've past guns in schools, and comedians have joked; "what next guns in church" which has come to past as well.
In light of recent events in our nations capital, I almost gave up hope on the human race. Are we really not moving forward? What with the "Birthers" ranting on and on about how BO really isn't an American, and we need to see his birth records.
Here's a question for Birthers, wouldn't he be an American citizen because his mother was? That makes him an American right? Or is it that his Grandfather was all apart of the scheme when he served in WW2 with Patton? If so, that's rather long time to stay hidden as a Manchurian Candidate if you ask me.
I've read some of Mr. Brunn's writings, and I must say I can see why he was a member of Mensa, however one who is sane can see right through the madness, and bull shit. What drives a man to such crimes? From what I understand he has had run In's with other "races" that did not show him in a good light when he was younger. I can say that I have been bullied by blacks, Asians, and the list goes on. Maybe his being a nerd put the large target on his back, who knows.
One would think that anyone who is smart enough to be a member of Mensa would be smart enough to look at the individual rather then the masses. I've been on some of these birther sites to try and get an understanding, but left feeling more confused then when I started.
Besides, why didn't we ask to see both Bush's, Clinton's, Ronny Reagan, Carter, Ford's, and on and on birth records? I knew this would happen when the first black man became president. We would find some way to say; "He can't be, not ever, not never."
In light of recent events in our nations capital, I almost gave up hope on the human race. Are we really not moving forward? What with the "Birthers" ranting on and on about how BO really isn't an American, and we need to see his birth records.
Here's a question for Birthers, wouldn't he be an American citizen because his mother was? That makes him an American right? Or is it that his Grandfather was all apart of the scheme when he served in WW2 with Patton? If so, that's rather long time to stay hidden as a Manchurian Candidate if you ask me.
I've read some of Mr. Brunn's writings, and I must say I can see why he was a member of Mensa, however one who is sane can see right through the madness, and bull shit. What drives a man to such crimes? From what I understand he has had run In's with other "races" that did not show him in a good light when he was younger. I can say that I have been bullied by blacks, Asians, and the list goes on. Maybe his being a nerd put the large target on his back, who knows.
One would think that anyone who is smart enough to be a member of Mensa would be smart enough to look at the individual rather then the masses. I've been on some of these birther sites to try and get an understanding, but left feeling more confused then when I started.
Besides, why didn't we ask to see both Bush's, Clinton's, Ronny Reagan, Carter, Ford's, and on and on birth records? I knew this would happen when the first black man became president. We would find some way to say; "He can't be, not ever, not never."
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Seeing Past Color
I've always found it odd when someone says that they don't see color. How can you not? I know my wife is a white woman, hell that's one of the reasons I'm with her...
I'm saying "SEE COLOR". However, its what you do with it when you see it that is the true question. My good friend Kat brought this to my attention when she said that there are good and hard working men in all races, and lazy no good trash as well. Not in her words, she's a lady, and I knew what she meant by her statement.
Listen folks... I have been done in by them all. Due to my wonder lust as a young man, I have lived in some of the best and worst places in this great country. I'm happy to have met great people of all races, some of which I would never have met if I did not get outside of the white bread bubble I was raised in. I'm not someone "studied" in sociology, but I have lived and that to me is the best education one can get, and it's free.
I hear these people spouting off about how this race is this way, and theirs is this. Theirs is better because of this and that. Well I hate tell you, but you are no better. Do I see color, you damn right I do. I can't help but to see it. I on the other hand have been fortunate enough to have been brought up in a home where I was taught to love my fellow man. Why is this BS? Why does this not work?
A funny thing happened to me just this weekend. My wife and I were getting Syd enrolled into school; that's another story in which I will put on the Consortium, when one of the teachers at the school said to me," I don't know why people keep asking me if I speak Spanish, I'm not Mexican." I couldn't help but laugh, and tell her, "no you aren't, you're Filipino." Now given where I live, I can see how some would make this mistake. However, if I were someone who didn't see past color, I would haven't know her race and made the smae ignorant mistake.
As most of you know, I'm a black male. And if you didn't know, well you have issues. I don't celebrate just my African heritage, but my wife's Irish, and I'm also an Anglophile, listen to music from India, love Italian, Mexican, and Chinese foods. Because I was willing to open my eyes, and ears, I have been open to a world that is wonderful. SO CELEBRATE ALL RACES, you never know what you may get out of it. Furthermore, just because I am black, doesn't mean that blacks are going to treat me any better then whites or any other race. I have been done wrong by the best of them from all races. Food for thought.
I'm saying "SEE COLOR". However, its what you do with it when you see it that is the true question. My good friend Kat brought this to my attention when she said that there are good and hard working men in all races, and lazy no good trash as well. Not in her words, she's a lady, and I knew what she meant by her statement.
Listen folks... I have been done in by them all. Due to my wonder lust as a young man, I have lived in some of the best and worst places in this great country. I'm happy to have met great people of all races, some of which I would never have met if I did not get outside of the white bread bubble I was raised in. I'm not someone "studied" in sociology, but I have lived and that to me is the best education one can get, and it's free.
I hear these people spouting off about how this race is this way, and theirs is this. Theirs is better because of this and that. Well I hate tell you, but you are no better. Do I see color, you damn right I do. I can't help but to see it. I on the other hand have been fortunate enough to have been brought up in a home where I was taught to love my fellow man. Why is this BS? Why does this not work?
A funny thing happened to me just this weekend. My wife and I were getting Syd enrolled into school; that's another story in which I will put on the Consortium, when one of the teachers at the school said to me," I don't know why people keep asking me if I speak Spanish, I'm not Mexican." I couldn't help but laugh, and tell her, "no you aren't, you're Filipino." Now given where I live, I can see how some would make this mistake. However, if I were someone who didn't see past color, I would haven't know her race and made the smae ignorant mistake.
As most of you know, I'm a black male. And if you didn't know, well you have issues. I don't celebrate just my African heritage, but my wife's Irish, and I'm also an Anglophile, listen to music from India, love Italian, Mexican, and Chinese foods. Because I was willing to open my eyes, and ears, I have been open to a world that is wonderful. SO CELEBRATE ALL RACES, you never know what you may get out of it. Furthermore, just because I am black, doesn't mean that blacks are going to treat me any better then whites or any other race. I have been done wrong by the best of them from all races. Food for thought.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The Last Slaves of Mississippi.
Though I had planned only to write on this post once or twice a week, I had remembered a store I had read a few years back. It was about the Wall family who had been living in Peonage in the Mississippi delta. The complete storey can be read here.
Although slavery had long since ended, the Wall family was still living the horror of this blemish in American history. The family had been traded between two family's for decades unbeknownst to the rest of the world. Their story is filled with rape and torture by their so called white slave masters.
For years the family was forced to pick cotton, clean houses, and milk cows. All without being paid, under threat of whipping, rape, and even death. And all of this was during the 21st century.
To the Walls, McDaniel, and Gordon families, your day in hell is coming.
Although slavery had long since ended, the Wall family was still living the horror of this blemish in American history. The family had been traded between two family's for decades unbeknownst to the rest of the world. Their story is filled with rape and torture by their so called white slave masters.
For years the family was forced to pick cotton, clean houses, and milk cows. All without being paid, under threat of whipping, rape, and even death. And all of this was during the 21st century.
To the Walls, McDaniel, and Gordon families, your day in hell is coming.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
The Black Tax

Per the Urban Dictionary;
Black Tax
The higher prices that black people have to pay for.
1) goods - often due to a lack of large grocery stores, mass market discounters
2) insurance, mortages, loans
Due to their ethnicity
Buffy and Biff can get a lower rate on a home mortgage than Rasheed and LaShawna due to the black tax.
The terms above no longer apply due to new laws and regulations. However, if one were to visit let’s say a mechanic for repairs he may get this sort of treatment. I know this for a fact as I have experienced it personally.
This term not only applies to goods and services as well, but also in the work place. Note: I am writing this post on my own personal experiences and this is not meant to be fact based.
I am a man of some education, and certified in Lean Six Sigma. I know this may mean nothing to you, however if you run a Corporation this would mean something to you. Before becoming self-employed I worked in corporate America as an analyst and was very good at what I did.
I never took the time to count the amount of blacks in upper management. Looking back now, there were none. I worked hard at my job, first in, last out everyday. Sometimes working 70 hour weeks, coming into work when the Misses was in the hospital, and even when my mother was ill. I was dedicated!
I was the "go to" guy if you were having any sort of issue. However, when it came time for me to move up the ladder, I then saw the ceiling that I had not noticed before. I was praised at every turn, given pats on the back, called into executive meetings to explain complex issues, but when I asked for a slight bump in the ladder, I was told "we don’t feel that you have the experience", or "I can’t loose you on the team, your too valuable." NO instead the positions were given to Whites who were much less qualified then I. One in fact, was given a position I had applied for and he not only had NO degree, but no previous experience in our field. It was my responsibility to show him the ropes.
Someone who is not Afro-American would probably read this and think, "black man with a chip" of course you would. I would if I were not. However, lets look at it from this prospective. Other then myself, there were four other Afro-American working at he firm. Two of which had MBA’s and the others with a BS and BA.
None of us were in any position of authority. Not only this, but the gentleman I described in the above who had no education at all was over half of these who had more experience and education. Still think I have a chip?
I still face the "Black Tax" though I am now self-employed. But its not as hard as having to deal with those you know you know better then.
Obama, Is He or Isn't He?

A friend of mine and I had an interesting conversation the other day about the past election and why he did not vote at all.
My point was that he should have voted regardless of what he felt for either party or person running in the election because there was a time that his vote not only would not have counted, but he did not have the right to vote. You know the whole spill, "those who came before you, who died in fighting to give you that right." He, a Hispanic male who is first generation can’t grasp this concept. Not only this, he’s not really first generation, as he was not born here in the United States.
He however did bring up a very good point. Some minorities have this since that Obama is going to change the rules to suite them. I can’t say that I have blatantly heard this but one does get this since that some feel this way.
From one Black Man’s Prospective, nothing can be further from the truth. Just because the man happens to be…doesn’t mean that he can or will right the wrongs of this country. Those who feel that he will now come in and change the name of the White House to the Black House, or try his best to enact some sort of laws that will give minorities the upper hand are sadly mistaken. No, no, he is just that a politician no matter what shade of brown or pink he may be.
What some of you out there fail to understand is that there are indeed several races out there, but one we do not count in this country or the world for that matter is that there is another race or creed if you will, and that is the politician. Oh, yes he has spoken about change, and he is striving for some of those changes. However, did you really think that he would deliver everything that he has promised? How can he?
In the end to put it in my dear friend’s words, " I know the kind of man Obama is, because he’s just like me. I will say anything to get into a woman’s panties, and once I do, I could care less about her." Though vile, he has a point.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Coming Soon!
Those of you who read Consortium of Gentlemen Farmers, may have seen this coming. I have eluded in some of my post on other blogs that I was going to start a new blog with the above title.
After a long conversation with a fellow blogger, on WASP culture, I decided it was time to start A Black Man's Prospective. This blog is to give understanding to other races, that black men are not all, ballers, drug dealers, criminal, and rap artist.
It will also delve into some political conversation as far as the African-American race is concerned. What will not however be tolerated on this blog is none intelligent conversation. If you are a racist, you are welcome to give your opinion in an intelligent manor only; if that can be possible, as in my view racism is ignorance.
With that, expect to see post mid-to end of the week. There will not be a daily posting on this blog, but a two to three posting per week.
After a long conversation with a fellow blogger, on WASP culture, I decided it was time to start A Black Man's Prospective. This blog is to give understanding to other races, that black men are not all, ballers, drug dealers, criminal, and rap artist.
It will also delve into some political conversation as far as the African-American race is concerned. What will not however be tolerated on this blog is none intelligent conversation. If you are a racist, you are welcome to give your opinion in an intelligent manor only; if that can be possible, as in my view racism is ignorance.
With that, expect to see post mid-to end of the week. There will not be a daily posting on this blog, but a two to three posting per week.
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