Friday, June 12, 2009

Is Obama A Token?

Though I voted for Obama, I want my money back. Yes, I must admit I bought into the change, and I should have known better. However, from what I'm seeing from the GOP, I may have not other choice but to vote for him again. I'm kind of in a rock and a hard place here.

But was Obama a token as some claim? Did we all really believe in the change he spoke of? Or was it that we really had no real choice in this past election? There are those on the right who say that the white's voted for him out of guilt. Have we really become a nation who will vote for a man who came out of nowhere because of guilt? Would we have said the same about Powell had he ran for PROTUS and won?

I think the bottom line question is this. Is he catching so much heat because he's black? This is not meant to be a chip on the shoulder question. But a true and real question. Any thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post. Obama has always seemed diligent about keeping race out of the spotlight. I didn't vote for him and I sort of feel bad for those that did because (it seems to me) that no matter what you hope to accomplish (and promise), once you are in office, there's a whole heck of a lot of red tape keeping you from getting your stuff done.
