Friday, June 12, 2009

Is Obama A Token?

Though I voted for Obama, I want my money back. Yes, I must admit I bought into the change, and I should have known better. However, from what I'm seeing from the GOP, I may have not other choice but to vote for him again. I'm kind of in a rock and a hard place here.

But was Obama a token as some claim? Did we all really believe in the change he spoke of? Or was it that we really had no real choice in this past election? There are those on the right who say that the white's voted for him out of guilt. Have we really become a nation who will vote for a man who came out of nowhere because of guilt? Would we have said the same about Powell had he ran for PROTUS and won?

I think the bottom line question is this. Is he catching so much heat because he's black? This is not meant to be a chip on the shoulder question. But a true and real question. Any thoughts?

Brunn, and Birthers.

Well we've past guns in schools, and comedians have joked; "what next guns in church" which has come to past as well.

In light of recent events in our nations capital, I almost gave up hope on the human race. Are we really not moving forward? What with the "Birthers" ranting on and on about how BO really isn't an American, and we need to see his birth records.

Here's a question for Birthers, wouldn't he be an American citizen because his mother was? That makes him an American right? Or is it that his Grandfather was all apart of the scheme when he served in WW2 with Patton? If so, that's rather long time to stay hidden as a Manchurian Candidate if you ask me.

I've read some of Mr. Brunn's writings, and I must say I can see why he was a member of Mensa, however one who is sane can see right through the madness, and bull shit. What drives a man to such crimes? From what I understand he has had run In's with other "races" that did not show him in a good light when he was younger. I can say that I have been bullied by blacks, Asians, and the list goes on. Maybe his being a nerd put the large target on his back, who knows.

One would think that anyone who is smart enough to be a member of Mensa would be smart enough to look at the individual rather then the masses. I've been on some of these birther sites to try and get an understanding, but left feeling more confused then when I started.

Besides, why didn't we ask to see both Bush's, Clinton's, Ronny Reagan, Carter, Ford's, and on and on birth records? I knew this would happen when the first black man became president. We would find some way to say; "He can't be, not ever, not never."